Creativity Days

Creativity Days

Creativity Days featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Smart Center

Smart Center mobile app provides users to control remotely connected WIFI-enabled, smart Vestel televisions. With the help of Smart Center, information about program broadcasting and program details are always at hand. Users can also record broadcast programs to watch later, set reminders for programs, and share content on their mobile phones with their TVs. Users will be able to follow their TV routines and favorite channels and programs and more easily while they are controlling their TVs.

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R Gate Emblem

Riiid is the AI Ed technology company that believes education should help to discover and unleash the limitless potential of humankind. Every kid and parent believes in their potential at first but loses this belief as they enter the current education system where diversity and individual differences are not fully embraced. New corporate identity visualized the brand's "R" into a keyhole and a portal to represent Riiid is opening up a rusty old mindset and invites everyone to make their own breakthrough to remind of the belief: you are better than you think you are.

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Vestel Evin Akli

Evin Akli which is a mobile application and Television application developed for users to control and monitor their connected home appliances remotely anytime. Thanks to the similarly designed interface and experience design, learning to use and control the newly added devices takes short time for users. Architecture of Evin Akli mobile app supports to add new devices, functions and features with its flexible structure open to development.

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Duxiaoxiao, with an appearance of digitalized human, is a new generation of AI digital assistant. Through AI technology, she possesses the thinking, expression, emotion, and learning abilities like a human being. By communicating with users, she will gradually develop different personalities and constantly understand users’ preferences. Such anthropomorphic interaction can bring a relaxing experience of acquiring structured information and knowledge and an emotional interactive companionship to users.

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Fabric / FAB is an Exhibition of Sustainable Fashion. The main task in developing the exhibition identity was to create a typographic style. The accidental font used in the design Concept reflects one of the central messages of the exhibition – a call to reduce consumption in the fashion sector, a call for reasonable consumption. Graphically, the solution is based on a cross-type of a pair of fonts-strictly grotesque and openwork accidental font, resembling the folds of fabric.

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Support Local Music

This poster is a self-initiated project to support the creative industry as well as the designer's fellow musician friends. The poster is inspired by various classical instruments, integrating the instruments and the type into a playful musical scene. This poster is planned to be printed in Lino Print and distributed around New York City. This poster was inspired by the letter form of the typeface Bio Rhyme Expanded.

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