Creativity Days

Creativity Days

Creativity Days featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Lazarus Effekt

The three information graphics serve as a basis to introduce the topic of the Lazarus-Effect. They include "The Six Major Mass Extinctions", "Death Watch of the Species", as well as an information graphic of the "Local Fern Plants and Flowering Plants" (based on the Rote Liste, 2018). The Lazarus Effect is based on the theme of the Lazarus-Effect, as coined by paleontologist David Jablonski. This pertains to the unintentional rediscovery (by accident, through expedition or through relocation projects) of a previously lost or considered extinct form of life.

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ReAim offers an easy way to increase user engagement. ReAim is used to send visitors targeted push notifications so they keep coming back. This platform will provide owners of different kinds of websites to re-engage and reach their audience even when they are not on their website through push notifications. Its goal is that anyone can publish a the campaign, add creatives, and start sending push messages within minutes after signing up.

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New HQ New Rules

The task was to create a visual identity for a new set of rules on office behavior in Telekom's new HQ. The challenge was to make it loveable so people would not feel ordered or forced, rather inspired to respect them. As a solution a very Clean Yet Playful design was created to promote these ideas and to evoke an instant emotional reaction in the viewer.

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Collaborative Aid

17.5 million people die of sudden cardiac death every year. This application allows users to call people nearby rather than distant hospital for first-aid, and get guidance for accident witnesses to perform first-aid to victim before others arrive, which helps to shorten rescue time. It also encourages users who lack first-aid knowledge to get free training and help victims. To make it easier for users to start, the interaction design of this app is simple and straightforward. The design concept is based on collaborative work, which propose an efficient possibility to handle sudden death.

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Remember Me

Designed in the shape of 28 endangered species, this business card was developed to solve the problem of conventional business cards being thrown away like expendables. At the same time, this business card serves to introduce the forgotten endangered species to the public. In particular, the bookmark function and the memo paper function help user to remember you and endangered animals for a longer time. And the illustrations of endangered species on these business cards induce reflection on the forgotten beings.

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Anti Crime

This TV series is adapted from real events, and justice forces open the curtain of underworld forces. The poster is inspired by the story itself and conveys the core content with the help of suggestive information. The concept poster uses white pigeons and black crows to metaphorize and imply the power of justice and expose the decadent dark forces.

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