Creativity Days

Creativity Days

Creativity Days featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



It helps achieve precise volume control for agricultural irrigation, enables the best growing environment for crops, and reduces irrigation costs. Further, it integrates field monitoring capabilities, allowing users to control equipment remotely to improve field management and services, a true example of how AI can help improve agricultural productivity and efficiency while reducing costs. A simplified and accessible solution with minimal required operations. The solution involves three stages: sense, decide, collaborate.

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Black Beans

When two award winning Marketing Agencies decided to merge into one, Black Beans was created to join forces in delivering the best digital marketing in Sao Paulo. The challenge was creating an identity matching a premium, elegant, modern logo that depicts its elevated position in the digital market. The logo approval came directly from the agency directors, putting the brand into use immediately.

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Smart Water Resources Dispatch

Compared to the traditional water resource management system, the solution integrates emerging technologies such as 5G, the Internet of Things, intelligent sensing, cloud, and big data to create a total-factor, all-dimension, and full-cycle water resource sensing and monitoring system. Through an AI simulation and analysis model, the system enables forecasting, early warning, pre-event drills, and contingency planning for water security events.

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It is created the visual identity of Eel Jiro, created logos, and design them in total, from decorations to goodwill and lanterns; from chopstick bags to aprons. They were particular about the recycling mark of the chopstick bag. It is an acronym for U in Japanese katakana, U in hiragana, Umai which means delicious, and an acronym for eel. Visual identity is Japanese craftsman-like design. It wanted to put importance on the Japanese style. The prosperous business on the front cover is a wish that business will go well.

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Safety Production

This system deeply integrates artificial intelligence technology with the pipeline inspection scenarios, combines a variety of intelligent devices, and utilizes technologies of industrial big data, edge computing, digital twin, Internet of Things, GIS, and 5G to realize unmanned or minimally manned inspection in high-risk scenarios. By using this system, it is possible to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of enterprises' safety management while also contributing to the protection of people’s lives and safety.

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Snow Peak

Recognition is an important evaluation index in logo design. How to use a simple design language to integrate the hotel with the complex and changeable landmark Potala Palace is one of the difficulties in the whole design. The Potala Palace is a holy building in the eyes of Tibetans. Therefore, the design team refined the most representative element pillars as design elements, and created the image of the three-dimensional Potala Palace through two-dimensional techniques, so that the annotation conveyed a strong regional style.

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